WSDM - LGBM GPU Verison 되게 하기 본문
WSDM - LGBM GPU Verison 되게 하기
data type not understood 해결하기
pandas version을 다시 깔아야한다.
1.pip uninstall pandas
2.pip install pandas==0.20.3
bin 의미
from GPU-acceleration for Large-scale Tree Boosting.pdf
One way to find the approximate best split is to test only k split positions, and this can be done efficiently using feature histograms. We first convert continuous feature values into k discrete bins, and then construct a histogram with k bins for each feature. To find the split, we can evaluate (4) only at these k points.
default 값이 200000 이다.
이것을 줄이면 GPU가 쓰인다
CPU 와 GPU time 비교
같은 parameter 사용 , params[‘bin_construct_sample_cnt’] = 256로 바꿈
GPU Processing Time
CPU Processing Time
CPU가 더 빠름 , auc 정확도는 더 낮게 나옴
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