목록Cloud Computing/Serverless (4)
five benefits of infrastructural outsourcing: Reduced labor cost Reduced risk Reduced resource cost Increased flexibility of scaling Shorter lead time Reduced Labor Cost Serverless was fundamentally about no longer needing to look after your own server processes you care about your application’s business logic and state, and you let someone else look after whatever else is necessary for those to..
Setting the Stage The birth of the AWS EC2 - 2006 S3 -> Lambda The Birth of the Cloud In August of 2006 something happened which would fundamentally change this model. Amazon’s new IT Division, Amazon Web Services (AWS), announced the launch of Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). EC2’s five key advantages are: Reduced labor cost Reduced risk Reduced infrastructure cost Scaling The Cloud Grows Slightly ..
Chapter 2. What Do Serverless Applications Look Like? Link Now that we’re well grounded in what the term Serverless means, and we have an idea of what various Serverless components and services can do, how do we combine all of these things into a complete application? What does a Serverless application look like, especially in comparison to a non-Serverless application of comparable scope? These..
five benefits of infrastructural outsourcing: Reduced labor cost Reduced risk Reduced resource cost Increased flexibility of scaling Shorter lead time Reduced Labor Cost Serverless was fundamentally about no longer needing to look after your own server processes you care about your application’s business logic and state, and you let someone else look after whatever else is necessary for those to..