
[Costless] - Revised one with transcript - p 11~15 본문


[Costless] - Revised one with transcript - p 11~15

MJSon 2019. 10. 14. 09:53

11 page

When it comes to AWS Greengrass pricing, it charges a small per-device fee which is about from 0.16$ to 0.22$. 


It doesn’t matter how many functions are executed. 



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So when considering the price of of serverless application workflow. we have to consider 3 factors 


  1. A number of transitions.

  2. Edge vs Cloud computations

  3. memory allocated to each cloud function.



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We can look into details of factors that affect the price. As we mentioned before, the number of state transitions dominates the price of the entire workflow. If we fuse multiple functions to form one bigger functions, we can reduce the number of state transitions to lower the price. 



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If we fuse the top two functions. we can reduce one transition cost. 

But It’s not always good to fuse functions because they have different memory configurations. the combined function will require using at least 512MB fused function.

15 page



In this way, the cost becomes higher than the previous one.