
338 Bits 본문


338 Bits

MJSon 2019. 10. 22. 08:07

338. Counting Bits



Given a non negative integer number num. For every numbers i in the range 0 ≤ i ≤ num calculate the number of 1's in their binary representation and return them as an array.

Example 1:

Input: 2 Output: [0,1,1]

Example 2:

Input: 5 Output: [0,1,1,2,1,2]

Follow up:

  • It is very easy to come up with a solution with run time O(n*sizeof(integer)). But can you do it in linear time O(n)/possibly in a single pass?
  • Space complexity should be O(n).
  • Can you do it like a boss? Do it without using any builtin function like __builtin_popcount in c++ or in any other language.

꼭 전단계가 아니라 i/2 경우도 생각해야한다. 이건 좀 외워야할거같다.


좋은 문제이자 


2 bits 니까


array를 만들고


저장하면 될꺼같다. 


i/2 + i % 2 를 더하면 된다. 




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