목록MJ (709)
http://egloos.zum.com/slog2/viewer/3546437 [명령어] 리눅스 wc 명령어 텍스트 라인수를 구하는데 grep과 같이 참 많이 쓰이는 명령어입니다..wc : 문서가 몇 줄 단어로 이루어져 있는지 한번에 세어준다- ex) cat /etc/shadow | wc -l - option -c : 문자수만 보여줌 -m : 캐릭터수만 보여줌 -l : 라인수만 보여줌 -w : 단어수만 보여줌 -L : 가장 긴줄 한줄만 보여줌
There was a seminar, and i did a presentation about What I learned in GSDCHere are what i used for presentation ppt
I'm making a keynote just in case i get accepted and here are some demos Take a look at it presentation demo service
go to directory where it is github pages이제 변경사향이 있을때마다 바로 저장되며 에 접속하면 변경사항을 볼수있다.
정출's presentationThe TopicUnUsed Server was flooding the data centerSo It became like thisseperation of a resource or request for a service.Host machine and Guest MachineVirtual Machine MonitorNative vs HostedFull means alls are virtualizedExample both compute programs but domain op user in differs. increase utilization rates from 10 to 70VMware provides cloud and virtualization software and ser..