목록MJ (709)
16 page We can also fuse parallel functions with their parents If we fuse AddtoFaceIndex, left function with its parent, CheckFaceIdDuplicate, it will cause two parallel functions to run sequentially and latency of the entire workflow increases. This suggests that proper fusion is necessary for optimizing the cost and latency. 17 page If we want to save the cost, we can instead run the functions..
11 page When it comes to AWS Greengrass pricing, it charges a small per-device fee which is about from 0.16$ to 0.22$. It doesn’t matter how many functions are executed. 12 page So when considering the price of of serverless application workflow. we have to consider 3 factors A number of transitions. Edge vs Cloud computations memory allocated to each cloud function. 13 page We can look into det..
6 Page The idea this paper proposes is first formulating the problem of optimizing the price and execution time as 2 models. First is the price model for AWS Lambda, and execution time model for workflow functions based on the functions costs and transition costs. Secondly, it proposes possible function fusion and placement in a structure which is a cost graph. we formulate the problem as a cons..
Lambda provides a method state machine. The state machine specifies the orders at which lambda functions are invoked such that the output of one function is the input of the next function Lambda provides a method state machine. The state machine specifies the orders at which lambda functions are invoked such that the output of one function is the input of the next function In this case, there is..
일단 PPT를 만들었으니 이제 계획을 짜보면 될꺼같다. 일단 9시까지 한 page씩 한다고 생각하면 되려나 일단 해보고 고민을 해보자
일단 PPT는 마무리 했다. 알고리즘 시험도 있으니까 음.. 목욜에 시험이니까 아침에만 하면서 중얼중얼 거리면 되겠따. 오늘도 저녁에는 2시간 정도 더 하고 알고리즘을 하면 되겠따. 그래도 젤 중요한 건 언제 Fusion 하고 말아야할지 결정하는거다 이걸 중점으로 다시 계속 리허설을 해봐야겠다.